So, anyone who's been on BBS recently probably knows about the Don/River controversy that might as well be called a flame war between loyalists and skeptics. I'm not making this post to "choose sides", merely to remind everyone to beware of whom they are developing relations with online (friendly or otherwise). Always remain skeptical of the person you are talking to. And, keep in mind that someone who is telling you everything you want to hear, knows they are doing so.
I know some of you are fairly young teenagers with a very high skeptic threshold; but don't automatically believe what you see or read online. We are all simply texts on a screen - no more until you are willing to drop your guard.
Well, those are my words of wisdom based on extensive experience for tonight. Keep your wits about you.
That is all.
Don't post often enough to have seen the furor... still, good advice is welcome. I grew up in the 80's and know all about bots, whack-jobs, transvestites and pedos from the primitive days of the internet; "If you read it on the internet, it must be true! (lol sarcasm)"
I would love to live back then - although I guess it would have been harder to detect this sort of thing.